1,028 research outputs found

    Liapunov Multipliers and Decay of Correlations in Dynamical Systems

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    The essential decorrelation rate of a hyperbolic dynamical system is the decay rate of time-correlations one expects to see stably for typical observables once resonances are projected out. We define and illustrate these notions and study the conjecture that for observables in C1C^1, the essential decorrelation rate is never faster than what is dictated by the {\em smallest} unstable Liapunov multiplier

    Extensive Properties of the Complex Ginzburg-Landau Equation

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    We study the set of solutions of the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation in d,d<3\real^d, d<3. We consider the global attracting set (i.e., the forward map of the set of bounded initial data), and restrict it to a cube QLQ_L of side LL. We cover this set by a (minimal) number NQL(ϵ)N_{Q_L}(\epsilon) of balls of radius ϵ\epsilon in \Linfty(Q_L). We show that the Kolmogorov ϵ\epsilon-entropy per unit length, Hϵ=limLLdlogNQL(ϵ)H_\epsilon =\lim_{L\to\infty} L^{-d} \log N_{Q_L}(\epsilon) exists. In particular, we bound HϵH_\epsilon by \OO(\log(1/\epsilon), which shows that the attracting set is smaller than the set of bounded analytic functions in a strip. We finally give a positive lower bound: H_\epsilon>\OO(\log(1/\epsilon))Comment: 24 page

    Trees of nuclei and bounds on the number of triangulations of the 3-ball

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    Based on the work of Durhuus-J{\'o}nsson and Benedetti-Ziegler, we revisit the question of the number of triangulations of the 3-ball. We introduce a notion of nucleus (a triangulation of the 3-ball without internal nodes, and with each internal face having at most 1 external edge). We show that every triangulation can be built from trees of nuclei. This leads to a new reformulation of Gromov's question: We show that if the number of rooted nuclei with tt tetrahedra has a bound of the form CtC^t, then the number of rooted triangulations with tt tetrahedra is bounded by CtC_*^t